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HomeTBU Committees
You can find information about all of the District 19 TBU Committees below. Click on the white arrow beside the committee name to see a drop-down list of resources related to that committee. If you're interested in joining a committee, speak to your school's Branch President.

The D19 Benefits Information Committee plays a crucial role in an area that every member depends on – their collectively bargained benefit plan. Benefits Information representatives communicate with members in their branches on all issues pertaining to benefits available to them as members of D19 TBU and OSSTF. They are the direct link to the Benefits Chair and bring forward items of branch concern regarding pensions and benefits to the committee.  

The D19 Collective Bargaining Committee (CBC) needs members who are knowledgeable about the Collective Agreement and the collective bargaining process and are willing to share that knowledge at their school/site. The CBC needs people who can be trusted with confidential information, are able to be open-minded and able to see things from multiple perspectives, and who are willing to defend our collective agreement. Members of the CBC are also selected to be part of the D19 TBU Negotiations Team. 

The D19 Communications Committee’s main function is to produce the bargaining unit newspaper, the Appeel. Communicating with members is critical to ensuring members are informed of the issues facing education teachers and the broader labour community as well. The Communication committee needs members who have an eye for detail and an interest in contributing articles that are of interest to D19 members. 


The Dismantling Anti-Black Racism Action Committee (DABRAC) strives to support members in understanding their positionality, building their critical consciousness, dismantling anti-Black racism, and all forms of intersectional oppression. All of this support is to challenge teachers towards proactive action, wherein transformative pedagogical practices celebrate & nurtures Black students to see limitless possibilities for their future. 



The D19 Educational Services committee’s goal is to identify the professional, curricular and educational issues and concerns of OSSTF members and make recommendations to the local Executive and TBU Council for policy, action or research. We work hard to try and encourage classroom-related research and promote, generate and coordinate professional growth activities for TBU members. 


The goal of the Excellence in Education committee is to promote and celebrate the excellent efforts and accomplishments of students and teachers. In addition, as a member of the local Branch Executive, committee members will promote and advance the cause of OSSTF and District 19 Peel within their branches. 

D19 Going Green members are interested in identifying environmental issues that teachers are concerned about and they work to encourage members have an opportunity to increase their understanding of the issues and then promote awareness within D19. 

The D19 Health and Safety Committee works to ensure that all members have a safe and healthy work environment. The H &S Committee’s goal is to educate members in safety awareness and rights as per the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Branch representatives provide critical feedback to the Committee Chair so that concerns are heard, and action taken at the Joint Health and Safety Committee and/or by the TBU Executive.

The D19 Human Rights Committee’s main function is help promote awareness of human rights issues amongst D19 Peel members. The committee assists in formulating policy and implementing guidelines in relation to family status, religious, cultural, educational equity, anti-racist and anti-sexist education, sexual harassment, violence against others, classism and sexual orientation sexual/gender identity, gender expression and ageism. 

The D19 Political Action Committee (PAC) needs members who want to actively participate and encourage members at their branch to participate in Federation and labour initiatives around the GTA. The PAC strives to educate D19 members and the broader community about issues that affect us all in an effort to protect and enhance public education, increase the support for public services, and advance social justice causes.  
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Short Term Professional Development Leave (STPDL)
Short Term Professional Development Leave (STPDL)

In accordance with Article 28 of the OSSTF Secondary Teachers' Collective Agreement, Short Term Professional Development Leave (STPDL) may be granted for teachers to participate in short period programs potentially beneficial to Peel students. There are limited funds for this leave. The total budget for STPDL during each school year is $100 per full-time equivalent teacher (FTE) to be allocated according to the following guiding principles. The STPDL Committee advises members of the STPDL process and they meet to discuss and recommend updates or changes to the process and criteria for accessing STPDL funds.